Choose a name for the baby!
And I ran out of options for the poll so comment down below if you vote another name
The most voted gets chosen as the name!
Names suggested not in the options as explained above: Darfdock, Zheka, Kafka, Paradock 2, Darlene, Darfella (new)
And I ran out of options for the poll so comment down below if you vote another name
The most voted gets chosen as the name!
Names suggested not in the options as explained above: Darfdock, Zheka, Kafka, Paradock 2, Darlene, Darfella (new)
Кіра Йошикаґе 2 months ago
guys wtf is this platform -
Paradock 2 months ago
still kind of pissed at darlene winning even though the option was for DARLENNE -
paradock when the poll is closed can you remove darlenne votes of people who voted darlene in jinx's poll and move them to other so we have the darlene and darlenne category separated properly
this'll probably cause paradette to win but at least it'll be fair
edit: either this or accept both spellings of darlene / darlenne (yes i know this makes it more confusing but it wasn't my choice to do so) -
I think I did suggest Parakid before somewhere though, can that be added into the list
(And if you're reading this, VOTE FOR INGENUITY, VOTE OTHER) -
This happened for the mayoral elections so I'm answering so that paradock doesn't have to but if you want to be grouchy go for it Mr. Grinch
Also can’t you just manually add more options since you can just edit the db -
Yeah but pardoc can easily just add another option, if he can give people 2 letter usernames then wouldn’t he be able to do this as well?
i'll count the most voted name in the comments (not counting duplicates from the same user) -
who wins if another name in the poll gets more votes the most voted name in the comments? which one would win? -
ok I think I badly wrote my comment lol
the one that will get the most votes win, if the most votes are in the comments, then it's the comment one that will win
but if even after counting in the comments, if there's a poll option that has more vote than the one in the comments, then the poll one will win
no, vote darfette. parakid is a stupid ass name because it'll still be her name when she grows up and when she's an adult her name would be parakid -
look if "Parachild" gets into the poll I get to mention the objectively better version okay