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About me

i'm jcole, a user on darflen.

i received my verified badge

(then removed it february 18th 2025 tuesday to bring back the old me)

on december 7, 2024, which recognizes my contributions and engagement on the platform.

i'm currently the (alleged) mayor of sexydarflen2025.

i spend time interacting with other users, sharing various types of content, and participating in discussions.

i use a samsung phone and have been known for my unique posts and engaging presence on darflen.

my account on the tbg forums is

the tbgforums (short for text based games forums) is an online community where people engage in a lot of text-based games, discussions, and storytelling.

it's a place for creativity id say, collaboration, and fun.

i recommend the wheel of wonder if you do sign up.

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